Thank you for writing this piece. I resonate tremendously. As a person who is half way around the world, but also as a Singaporean Chinese person, I grieve together with you.

My heart sank when I first heard about the Monterey shooting, and it also reminded me of Atlanta.

I've repressed so much emotion as a child, now in my mid-30s, I'm only beginning to learn to sit with my anger and my sadness in so many areas of my life.

Take care and make space to grieve, and know that there are others who will hold space for it, even if our own elders don't.

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i'm so glad you enjoyed it Rachel!! i can't thank you enough for your kind thoughts and your heart - thank you so much. i am also excited to start reading your memoir too when i take myself off book strike :)

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Powerful sentence: "Our mortality can cause fear; it can also cause fierce commitment and determination, to not let this put out our love."

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I love how you beautifully and aptly express the paradoxes in our lives

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